Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman at UPenn, Introduction by Bob Perelman  Kelly Writers House at UPenn / Philadelphia, Sept-21-2004 
 2. Paul Auster  Introduction by Bob Perelman  Kelly Writers House / UPenn, Apr-11-2001 
 3. Robert Hampson  Introduction by Bob Perelman  Reading at the Kelly Writers House - Feb 6, 2006 
 4. Paul Auster  Introduction by Bob Perelman  Kelly Writers House / UPenn, Apr-11-2001 
 5. Eli Goldblatt reading Bob Perelman  Perelman's Letter to Gil  Gil Ott Celebration / KWH, UPenn, Oct-27-2001 
 6. Ron Silliman  Intro by Bob Perelman  The Alphabet Reading, Kelly Writers House, February 17, 2009 
 7. Ron Silliman  Intro by Bob Perelman  The Alphabet Reading, Kelly Writers House, February 17, 2009 
 8. Eli Goldblatt reading Bob Perelman  Perelman's Letter to Gil  Gil Ott Celebration / KWH, UPenn, Oct-27-2001 
 9. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman at the ICA  ICA UPenn / Oct-17-2003 
 10. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman at the ICA  ICA UPenn / Oct-17-2003 
 11. Rachel Blau DuPlessis  On Ron Silliman's The Alphabet  National Humanities Center 
 12. Rachel Blau DuPlessis  On Ron Silliman's The Alphabet  National Humanities Center 
 13. Rachel Blau DuPlessis  On Ron Silliman's The Alphabet  National Humanities Center 
 14. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman on LINEbreak  LINEbreak radio series / New York, 1996 
 15. Bob Perelman  Bob Perelman at the Bowery Poetry Club  Segue Reading Series / NY, Mar-11-2006 
 16. PoemTalk: Al Filreis, Tom Mandel, Rodrigo Toscano, Sarah Dowling  Episode 19: The Unruly Child by Bob Perelman  PoemTalk at the Writers House 
 17. Bob Perelman  Bob Perelman at the Bowery Poetry Club  Segue Reading Series / NY, Mar-11-2006 
 18. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman at Double Happiness  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-13-2000 
 19. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman reading March 6,  miPOradio: where poetry tunes 
 20. Ron Silliman  Silliman 2nd March reading, Ma  miPOradio: where poetry tunes 
 21. Grace Paley  Paley 04 KWH UPenn 02 15 00  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; February 15, 2000 
 22. Grace Paley  Paley 08 KWH UPenn 02 15 00  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; February 15, 2000 
 23. E. L. Doctorow  Doctorow 02 KWH UPenn 03 25 05  Kelly Writers House, UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; March 22, 2005 
 24. Grace Paley  Paley 12 KWH UPenn 02 15 00  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; February 15, 2000 
 25. Grace Paley  Paley 15 KWH UPenn 02 15 00  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; February 15, 2000 
 26. Grace Paley  Paley 05 KWH UPenn 02 15 00  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; February 15, 2000 
 27. Grace Paley  Paley 01 KWH UPenn 02 15 00  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; February 15, 2000 
 28. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman at the Bowery Poetry Club  Segue Reading Series / NY, Nov-19-2005 
 29. Ron Silliman  Ron Silliman at the Bowery Poetry Club  Segue Reading Series / NY, Nov-19-2005 
 30. Paul Auster  Paul Auster at UPenn  Kelly Writers House / UPenn, Apr-11-2001 
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